Running reports from Oracle Responsys

If you are reading this you probably know what Oracle Responsys is. If you are researching this email platform you also know how important reporting after a campaign is. Here’s how you export information from Responsys after an eDM campaign.

When: 7 days after campaign launch

Note: It is important you don’t get bogged down running and explaining reports as this is a once off task we are meant to do.

  1. In Responsys click Reports drop down arrow on the application main menu
  2. Enter fields
    Report: Performance
    Report Format: Excel
    Response Period: All Days
    Campaign Name: Use the drop down to select appropriate search option and search for the campaign by entering text in the empty text box. Eg. 201508 OnecardNOTE: when you find the campaign you are running the report for
    Campaigns: click on the campaign you are running the report for
    Launches: Select the appropriate folder to run the report for
    Selected Launches: using the arrow add the folderLaunch between: enter start day of email launch and end date usually 7 days after email launchResponsys running reports
  3. Click Run Report
  1. After sending the report to the campaign manager, save the report to the shared drive under your campaign folder.

Hopefully these instructions piece helps you get the data you need.

If you like more information or training on the Responsys platform please use the comments below. If there’s enough interest I will write more posts about the platform.

To find out more about the Oracle Responsys platform please visit their official site here. There’s a full run down of the platform and all it’s functionalities.

My use of Oracle Responsys

I first used Responsys when I was consulting for GE Finance. I went into the company to assist with the sale of GE’s financial division to Latitude Finance.

My main role was to be the project manager and oversee a team of developers. Me being the inquisitive person that I am. I got my hands dirty and learnt the platform myself.

My personal opinion; the platform is not the easiest email marketing tool. I have used far easier ones. But I after you get used to it the quirks are easily looked over.